
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 10/2/2023: You're a fucktard


8 months ago
Could the admins of the site please add a 4th duels mode. I don't really have an idea for it but I thought that a fourth option would be fun for new and old people. Maybe you could start a thread for ideas for the fourth option.


8 months ago

Let me get this straight: you came to the feature suggestion forum, and suggested that SOMEONE ELSE come up with your idea?


8 months ago

we have a fourth duel option you fucking retard, look at the thunderdome thread.


8 months ago

"Could you guys please come up with something cool, I'm new and already bored"

I have a suggestion! Please be quiet for awhile. Disappear into the framework. Come back when you've contributed some and people around here are less annoyed at you because of your alt account. Earn back the points lost in your stupid tax. Also wait till we don't have an overabundance of stupid noobs to deal with.


8 months ago
Yeah, StoryDuck has not some anything particularly bad, but popping up as another alt making tween who posts too much right when we're in the middle of playing Whack a Mole with the other is not great timing lol